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See How A GL-Only Wrap-Up Program Can Change Your Risk Management Approach

The "GL-Only Administration One-Pager" from CR Solutions provides a detailed overview of their services in wrap-up administration. Established in 2002, the company offers efficient and innovative services, focusing on personalized attention and maintaining a 100% client retention rate.

Key highlights include their proprietary Risk Management Information System (CR-Insight®) and a strong commitment to client relationships. They have managed over 200 wrap-ups, 2500+ projects, and maintain a database of over 15000 contractors.

This download includes various aspects of CR Solutions' services including:

  • Communication strategies

  • Educational tools

  • Comprehensive reporting

  • Insurance verification

  • Contractor termination, and more

Download now to enhance your understanding of specialized wrap-up administration services.

GL-Only Admin Whitepaper Mock-Ups